The first book, Awakening.

The first book, Awakening.

Second book, Betrayal.

Second book, Betrayal.

The third book of the series, Truth.

The third book of the series, Truth.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Phone Call

As J.D. returned from outside she went to ask her mother what she wondered. The truth. She smelled the sweet smell of cookies, gingerbread cookies. That's when it came to her. Her first memory. Her mother was swinging her around in her arms on Christmas with a huge gold present under the tree with a green ribbon. There was gingerbread cookies on the oven cooling and just as any little kid would, Alexa was asking her mom when she could eat one. She realized what had just happened holding her breath. It was a memory. She quickly looked around for her mother but found her no where then noticed that her mother's office door was shut. Her mother had told her to never interrupt her while the door was shut unless it was a emergency. This was an emergency! She had finally had her first memory so she quietly opened the door.

Her mother was standing in the back, phone pressed against her ear. "I agree" her mother said unusually different. "We can't afford that risk. And the more time passes..." She paused. "You're right. We need to get her to the Institute, and soon." J.D. gasped, "You're sending me away?"

Her mother was angry. She snapped " What are you doing in here?" J.D. was nearly crying at this time. "You want to send me away to some horrible place where I don't bother you anymore? Sorry, I didn't know i was such a trouble!" Her mother tried comforting her and saying that that wasn't meant for her ears and Dr. Styron just thinks that this would help her get more progress faster. J.D. didn't really care at this point. She was finally making progress and they had already given up on her.

She told her mother about her memory, her mother didn't believe her at first. She told her that she didn't have to make up things just to try to stay. But J.D. wasn't making this up! She came in and smelled something sweet, her mother told her that she use to love gingerbread cookies when she was little. Her mother finally believed her. "Oh you did remember!" She was so happy that she had. Her mother finally compromised that she would give her a few more weeks to see if she gets any more memories. Although, Dr. Styron wouldn't like it, her mother wasn't going to give up just yet.

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