The first book, Awakening.

The first book, Awakening.

Second book, Betrayal.

Second book, Betrayal.

The third book of the series, Truth.

The third book of the series, Truth.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Dr. Stryon

Me and my mother walked into his office and I froze in my steps. Him, Dr. Stryon was him. Scary him. From all my nightmares. He was the one that woke me up night after night with that face, that voice. I couldn't stop staring. Has she seen him in my life before? She couldn't stop thinking about it. He was calling her name but she wouldn't reply, she couldn't. Finally, she snapped back into reality. And started her first seccsion with a bunch of stupid questions, what could she remember, what has happened since she woke up, who she is, has she been hallucinating, hearing or seeing anything weird ect. She didn't tell him the truth. On anything. She just kept it all to herself...

The seccsions started off the same every day. The same questions the same laying on the couch and dozzing off and he did whatever it was that he would do then he told me to wake up and I would sit up serveral hours later than when she laid down. She couldn't remember what had happened or what was said but she hoped that none of the things she wanted to keep in the dark came out. She wasn't sure about him yet. He would always tell her the truth if she wanted to know it but he would never tell her what was said, he always just told her that telling her the memories before she is ready would just ruin all the progress they have already made. She didn't argue.

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